Welcome to the shop specialized in lure fishing +33(0)9 72 36 55 01 +33(0)6 08 07 98 87 +33(0)9 72 36 55 01 / +33(0)6 08 07 98 87 by emailLogoutVersion française

Conditions générales de Vente

Article 1 : Seller Identification

The  SPECIALISTE LEURRES company is a limited liability company (SARL) registered in France with the Trade and Compagnies Registery of PERPIGNAN under number 753 446 418 000 18, intercommunity VAT n° FR 64 753 446 418 and head office is 9 Ter, Rue du Mas Del Rost in Sorède (66690) - France.SPECIALISTE LEURRES can be reached at the above address or by phone at the following number +33(0)9 72 36 55 01 (Office) or +33(0)6 08 07 98 87 (Commercial number), from Monday to Saturday, from 9:00 to 12 :00 am and from 2:00 pm to 7:00 pm.

Article 2 : Fields of application and terms and conditions of sale

These terms and conditions of sale are concluded between SPECIALISTE LEURRES (the seller) and any physical person (the user) wishing to  purchase from the website : http://www.specialiste-leurres.com  .

These terms and conditions of sale define precisely the contractual relationship between the seller and the user, from order placement to payment / delivery.

The company SPECIALISTE LEURRES reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time. If modified, it will be applied to each order the terms and conditions of sale in force at the date of the order.

These terms and conditions of sale have been updated on 26th July 2013. Therefore, this edition cancels an replaces all the previous versions. We consider that by validating the order, the user accepts these terms and conditions of sale unreservedly. By accessing the site, the user agrees to comply with the terms and conditions of sale and use contained therein.

The user has the option to save and/or print these terms and conditions of sale and keep them.

Article 3 : Products

The products governed by these terms and conditions of sale are those listed on the website www.specialiste-leurres.com and that are indicated as sold and shipped by SPECIALISTE LEURRES (the products).

The products put on sale on the site are manufactured and distributed by suppliers who ensure the product compliance with the French legislation in force as well as standards applicable in France.

The essential characteristics for most of the products in the seller’s catalog are provided by the suppliers and put on line on the sheet products by the seller who tries to present them in the most faithful way possible. For the other products, SPECIALISTE LEURRES makes sure that the descriptions of the product-sheet of each product allowed the user to know the essential characteristics of the products before taking the final order (product-sheets)

Article 4 : Price

The seller reserves the right to change prices at any time but undertakes to apply the current rates applicable that were displayed to the user at the time of order.

The prices of the products are indicated in euros and are  inclusive of all taxes. They take into account any discounts applicable on the day of the order. Furthermore, price fluctuations will not give right to any refund for orders placed outside the promotional period.

Product prices do not include delivery costs. The amount of delivery costs will be specified on the order form before validation of the order.

A price can not be modified once the user’s order has been validated.

In case of blatant error or computer bug, SPECIALISTE LEURRES reserves the right to cancel any order.

Article 5 : Steps to ordering

User identification and account creation :

To place an order for products on the site www.specialte-leurres.com, the user must identify himself with his email address and the password he has chosen.

For any first order, the user must follow an account creation procedure. Indeed, the user will be required to enter the necessary information for his identification. He will also be asked to create a password. It will allow him to avoid to recapture all his information during his next order or to consult, to follow the last orders.

Treatment and procedure of the order :

The user who wishes to place an order must first add the products he wants to buy to his cart by clicking on the « add to cart » button. At any time the user can access the contents of his cart and modify it by clicking on the link « my cart». When he wishes to validate his cart and confirm his order the user must click on the button « complete my order ».

The user must then follow the ordering procedure indicating the required information on billing and delivery. At the end of the procedure the user is offered a summary of the information concerning his order :

Identification of SPECIALISTE LEURRES ; designation of products ordered ; price of ordered products (tax-free and all taxes included) ; postage costs ; total amount of the order ; payment method ; billing address ; delivery mode ; delivery address ; expected date for delivery.

The user can then correct any errors made when entering information. After having read the order and if it is in conformity the user must accept these terms and conditions by checking the box provided for this purpose or give up his order.

Order validation and electronic signature (law of March 13rd, 2000) :

The user then validates the order by clicking on the « confirm my order » button. This final validation associated with the authentification procedure is worth electronic signature and express acceptance of the order and these terms and conditions of sale within the meaning of the March 13rd, 2000. Act. (This electronic signature has value between the Parties in the same way as a handwritten signature).

The sale contract is concluded at the reception of the order and therefore by the acceptance of price and product indicated on the Internet site but under the condition precedent of cashing the sale price.

Any purchase order signed by the consumer is an irrevocable acceptance that can be challenged only within the limits provided in the terms and conditions of sale.

After payment of the order, SPECIALISTE LEURRES will validate the order by emailing a confirmation to the address indicated by the user on his account. Progress of the order can from then on be followed by the user from his account on the site.

The user will then receive an email when his order is shipped.

Proof of order :

The computerized registers stored under reasonable security conditions in the computer systems of SPECIALISTE LEURRES will be considered as proof of communications and orders between the Parties. The filing of order forms and invoices is made on a reliable and sustainable support in order to correspond to a faithful and durable copy in accordance with article 1348 of the Civil Code. Orders can be made over the phone and in this case, please contact SPECIALISTE LEURRES at number +33(0)9 72 36 55 01

Article 6 : Product availability

Products are available for sale as long as they appear on the site and unless otherwise mentioned.

Products in stock are those mentioned by « Available - Immediate Shipping », for other products, they are available but shipped within 3 to 5 working days.

If a product comes to be unavailable after the order, SPECIALISTE LEURRES will inform the user as soon as possible :

- about additional time for a supplier’s stock shortage.

- or about replacement with a similar product (same range, same price) following the withdrawal of the product (final stock-out) by the supplier.

- in any case the user may request the cancellation of the sale and the refund of the amount collected. The amount will be credited directly to his account.

Article 7 : Postage and packing

We offer the user a delivery method : Colissimo (for items of small size, only in France) via the post (delivery to the address indicated when ordering).

For Metropolitan France (Corsica included) : 5 euros for any orders equal to or less than 49 euros. Offered for any orders over 49 euros.

For DOM - TOM (French overseas departments and territories)  and EUROPE (delivered against signature) : 15 euros for any orders.To the international (delivered against signature) : 27 euros for any orders.

For deliveries outside Metropolitan France, the user undertakes to pay the carrier all sums due to the import of products, customs duty, value added tax and all other taxes in force in the country of receipt of order.

Article 8 : Method of payment / safe and secure payment

Each purchase is payable at the time of ordering without discount for cash.

For payment the user has the choice between the two following payment methods :

- by credit card : on the secure banking services of our partner Pay Zen (Carte Bleue, Visa and Mastercard). There is therefore no banking information concerning the user that transits through the site www.specialiste-leurres.com. Payment by credit card is perfecly safe and secure. The user must indicate his credit card number, its expire date and the last three digits to the right of the signature on the back of the card. The order is recorded and validated as soon as the payment is accepted by the bank. The user’s credit card details are encrypted using SSL (Secure Sockets Layers) protocol and never transit unencrypted over the network. A refusal by the banking center entails automatic cancellation of the order by rights without compensation. Payment is made directly to the bank.

The seller has no access to this information and the server does not keep them and therefore the user will have to enter each new transaction again.

In case the payment turns out to be irregular, incomplet or non-existent, for any reason, the seller reserves the right to block the delivery of the ordered product or even to claim, without limit of time, the product concerned by the litigious order.

Article 9 : Delivery terms and deadlines

Products are delivered to the delivery address indicated on the order form (it may be different from the billing address). Delivery deadlines depend on the location and method of payment chosen by the user. As for delivery costs they are indicated in article 7 herein.

For a payment by credit card, deliveries in Metropolitan France are carried out within approximately 2 working days for products in stock, and 5 to 7 working days for other products. In case of payment by cheque the final date for delivery is postponed for the time required for receipt and cashing of the cheque.

Deliveries overseas and to the international are carried out within 5 to 8 working days for products in stock, and 10 to 12 working days for other products.

However, when in the same order several products have different final dates for delivery, the final date for delivery of the entire order is the final date for delivery of the product whose date is the furthest.

Products ordered are delivered in one go, except in special case. This final date for delivery of the entire order is indicated when confirming the order.

DELIVERIES : Any package with an anomaly must be subject to a reservation at the time of delivery or withdrawal and must be declared as soon as possible to the customer service. SPECIALISTE LEURRES undertakes to inform his customer of the follow-up processing of his order.

Article 10 : Complaint / Return

The purchaser can return his product to SPECIALISTE LEURRES by la poste.

Return costs through the post are payable by the purchaser (with the exception of a faulty or defective product upon receipt or an error when sending the product). In this case, the user must inform the seller by email or by phone at number +33(0)9 72 36 55 01. The seller will send to the user a return voucher to allow the return of goods without postage costs.

Upon receipt and after checking goods he will proceed to its replacement as soon as possible. If you have chosen to be refunded we will recredit your account the amount of your package.

Article 11 : Cooling-off period

According to the provisions of Consumer Code and for every delivery in France and DOM TOM (French Overseas Territories and Department), the user has a period of seven days to exercise his right of withdrawal from the day of delivery of his order without having to justify reasons, or to pay penalties, except for the costs of return.

The exercise of the right of withdrawal is subject to the shipment of the delivered product and the invoice.

The product that the user wishes to return must be done by Followed-Colissimo to avoid any litigation upon receipt and be sent to the address below :

SPECIALISTE LEURRES, 29 CAMI DEL PINETELL, 66740 VILLELONGUE DELS MONTSThe seller will refund by transfer or by cheque (depending on the chosen method of payment of the order by the user) the amount without delay and at the latest within 30 days following the date on which this right will have been exercised.

Article 12 : Liability

SPECIALISTE LEURRES is liable under the conditions provided for by law.

In any case, SPECIALISTE LEURRES can not be held responsible if the breach of its obligations would be attributed either to the unpredictable and insurmountable Third Party to the contract or to a case of force majeure (in particular in the event of a partial or total strike of the postal services, carriers, or catastrophes « fires, floods, wars »).

Similarly, the responsability of SPECIALISTE LEURRES can not be held liable for any inconvenience or damage inherent to the use of the Internet network, including a break in service, an external intrusion or the presence of computer viruses.

Article 13 : Guarantees

Every product offered on the site is subject to the guarantee of hidden defects provided for in articles 1641 and following of the Civil Code. For items delivered defective or faulty, the user has a guarantee to return them in accordance with articles L.211-4 of the Consumer Code. The guarantee does not apply in case of normal wear of the product.

It is thus reminded that :Art. 1641 C. Civ. : «The seller is bound to a warranty on account of the latent defects of the thing sold which rende rit unfit for the use for which it was intended, or which so impair that use that the purchaser would not have acquired it, or would have given a lesser price for it, had he known of them. »

Art. 1648. al.1 C. Civ. : « "The action resulting from redhibitory vices must be brought by the purchaser within a period of two years following the discovery of the hidden defect ». It is also reminded that the customer benefits from the legal guarantee of conformity provided for by the articles L 211-4 and following of the Consumer Code. Thus in particular :

Article L 211-4 of the Consumer Code : « The seller must deliver goods that are in conformity with the sale contract and is liable for any lack of conformity existing at the time of delivery.
He is also liable for any lack of conformity resulting from the packaging, assembly instructions or the installation when it was charged to him by the contract or was carried out under his responsibility ».

Article L 211-5 of the Consumer Code : « To comply with the contract, goods must :

1º Be fit for usual expected use of similar goods and when appropriate : - correspond to the description given by the seller and possess qualities that he has presented to the purchaser in the form of a sample or model ; - present the qualities that a purchaser can legitimately expect considering the public statements made by the seller, the producer or his representative, in particular in advertising or labelling.

 2° Or have the characteristics defined by mutual agreement by the Parties or be fit for any special purpose sought by the purchaser, made known to the seller and that the latter has accepted ».

Article L 211-12 of the Consumer Code : « The action resulting from the lack of conformity is prescribed by two years from delivery of goods ».

Article 14

Data Protection ActIn accordance with Act n° 78-17 of January 6th, 1978 relating to the data processing, files and liberty, the treatment of nominative information collected on the site was subject to a declaration with the Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés / National Commission for information technology and civil liberties  (declaration CNIL n° 1635835v0)

Data concerning the customer is personal information essential to the processing of his requests.

The site www.specialiste-leurres.com reserves the right to use these details for the purpose of commercial promotions or any other events (newsletter) organized by www.specialiste-leurres.com and this in the strict compliance with the Act in Confiance en l’Economie Numérique (LCEN) / in trusting the digital economy.

However, in application of the « Data Protection Act » (Act of 6th January 1978 modified by the Act n° 2004-801 of 6th August 2004), the customer has a right to access, modify, rectify and delete any data relating to him (art. 40 of the Act modified)

To exercise this right, the customer must unsubscribe using the link provided in the footer of newsletters or contact www.specialiste-leurres.com by email through the contact form on the site.

Article 15 :

Applicable rightThe Parties agree that these terms and conditions of sale are subject to French Law.

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